Course Overview

Pre-Course Assignment

The course requires a written assignment due the first day of class at 0900. Please review the assignment instructions TAB before starting your paper.

Course Content

  • National Security Strategy
  • Resourcing for National Security Strategy
  • Regional Briefs
  • Information Technology and Security
  • Homeland Security
  • Political-Military Simulation Exercises
  • Diplomacy
  • The Legislative Process
  • The Legal Aspects of The Long War
  • Global Economics
  • Security
  • Strategic Communication
  • Interagency Operability

Course Description

The Reserve Component National Security Course (RCNSC) is a two-week course offered to senior officers and non-commissioned officers of the U.S. Reserve Components, allies and partners, and select national security civilians. The purpose of RCNSC is to expose students to a variety of national security-focused tools and concepts that transcend traditional military education and training. In addition to a rigorous lecture schedule, students participate in a realistic national security exercise, obtain hands on experience working with congressional staff, and gain a detailed understanding of the role of the National Security Council. The course is designed to allow maximum participation through guided seminars and promoting critical thinking in an environment that values diversity of experience over rank or position.  Students experience a whole-of-government approach to addressing national security issues on the world stage and are especially challenged to increase their understanding of the information, economic, and diplomatic elements of national power. Upon completion of the course, each student should feel comfortable making recommendations to senior civilian leaders regarding complex national security issues.

Course Presenters

The presenters are faculty members from The College of International Security Affairs (CISA), the National War College, the Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy, the Information Resource Management College (IRMC), and other distinguished speakers.

National Crisis Response Exercise

The exercise provides an experience in national decision making that identifies and applied the instruments of national power in support of national interest. It calls for the application of a wide range of political, economic, military, diplomatic, and social measurements to advance national objectives, emphasizing joint and combined operations.